domingo, fevereiro 05, 2012

.loucura diária... Os 5 brinquedos "mais incríveis" do mundo!

Os 5 brinquedos "mais incríveis" do mundo!


"Baby Wee-Wee, Baby Wee-Wee! He needs to wee! Baby Wee-Wee, Baby Wee-Wee! Help a wee! He’s gonna wee, Baby Wee-Wee, Baby Wee-Wee!"

"What do you call the new water and ooze blasting Oozinator? Aw yuck! Bleh! Gross! Ew! Disgusting! And of course, AWESOME!"

"I’m Mr.Bucket, toss your balls in my top! I’m Mr.Bucket, out of my mouth they will pop! I’m Mr. Bucket! We’re all going to run! I’m Mr. Bucket, buckets of fun!"

"It’s ball sack, ball sack! You can bash it! You can smash it! You can smack it! You can whack it! You can punch it! You can clutch it! You can kick it! You can miss it!"

...e por fim #MEDO:

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