quarta-feira, janeiro 26, 2011

.viral! History of Gaming

History of Gaming

This is a university video-project made by "Game Design"-students from munich. Done in a single-shot fashion...well almost single shot =). The film covers different eras of the video-game history.

Took us a week to organise the various props (controllers, monitors. lighting, camera, etc.), two whole days to film and several days of postproduction. It isn't perfect, but hopefully fun to watch nevertheless ,)

History of Gaming from Florian Smolka on Vimeo.

Games presentes nesse vídeo:
Tennis for Two, Oscilloscope, 1958
Pacman, Arcade, 1980
Donkey Kong, NES, 1986
Sonic the Hedgehog, Sega Mega Drive/Genesis, 1991
Street Fighter II. SNES, 1991
Super Mario 64, Nintendo 64, 1996
Final Fantasy VII, Sony Playstation, 1997
Need for Speed: Hot Pursiut 2, Sony Playstation 2, 2002
Ecco the Dolphin, Sega Dreamcast, 2000
Super Smash Bros. Melee, Nintendo Game Cube, 2001
Wii Sports Golf, Nintendo Wii, 2006
God of War III, Sony Playstation 3, 2010
Rock Band, XBox 360, 2008

Veja também este link.

30 Years of First-person and First-person shooter

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